2024 Highlights

1st March, St David’s Day concert at Salem Chapel in Nelson

£600 raised at our St David’s Day concert with the Phoenix Singers. This has helped The Hollybush pub in Nelson to raise enough money for a defibrillator.

Picture shows our Chairman Jon presenting the cheque to Julie (landlady of the Hollybush) and Jane Phillips, Chair of the Phoenix Singers

19th April

Some of the choristers at the Hollybush Inn by the newly installed defibrillator. Thank you all for your generosity in helping us to help raise funds

7th May

Open Night - thank you all for coming along and hope you enjoyed. Possible 3 new recruits!

Anyone still interested please to pop along any Tuesday night. Newcomers always welcome

1st June

Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the 84/85 Miners strike.