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We are…

Front Row
(From Left to Right) Mike Pritchard, Granville Hughes, Jim Toner, Rhys Watkins, Anna Bowden, Llinos Davies BEM, David Rees, Gwyn Davies, Allan Evans, Phil Lewis, Johnathan Rees

Second Row
(From Left to Right) Will Tollan, Alun Caffrey, Bill Richards, Wayne Pullman, Wayne Bolitho, Steve Pullman, Carl Turner, Ivor Jones, Gwynfor Roberts, Kerry Williams

Back Row
(From Left to Right) Karee Williams, Craig Andrews, Peter Edwards, Granville Owens, Francis Whitefoot, Jeff Rees

Additional members of Treharris Male Voice Choir (not in photo) Carl Ackerman, Ralph Curtis, Chris Grant, Ben Rabjohns, Rob Rees, Martin Thomas

2021 new members: Neil Cochrane (Tenor 1); James Rendall (Tenor 2); Graham Bridges (Bass 1); Alwyn Howell (Bass 1); Eddie Bouse (Bass 1); James Edwards (Bass 1)


Jonathan Rees

  • Chairman

  • Section: 1st Bass

I always wanted to be in a Welsh Choir but felt that my career and commitment to work didn’t allow for it. Having worked in different occupations as a Graphic Designer, a Landscape Gardener, a Registered Nurse and more recently a Health and Social Care Commissioning Officer I finally made the decision to join the choir. To be honest, I love it. The practice sessions, the performances and the camaraderie are now a big part of my life and I wonder why I left it so long before committing.

To be a part of Treharris MVC is an honour and a privilege. It fulfils other elements of my life too such as my physical and mental wellbeing, which have benefited since becoming a member.

I look forward to many more years of singing, performing and belonging.


Ivor Jones

  • Vice Chairman

  • Section: 1st Tenor

I joined the choir in March 2013, after a current member invited me to a practice night which was taking place at my rugby club (Bedlinog).

My only experience of group singing was after a match on a Saturday when both teams would take part, although some of the songs that were sung would not be suitable for a choir concert!!

I am retired and was a Fire Fighter for over 30 years, finishing off my career in the Fire Safety Department.

There are four sections in the choir and I sing first tenor. Along with Llinos and Anna (our musical team) practice nights are very enjoyable and you always feel elated when partaking in a couple of pints with the boys afterwards.

We all do some homework to keep on top of and learn new songs. The choir help by providing Whatsapp section tunes, producing foreign language songs phonetically and giving loads of encouragement and support at all times.

The finished product of all this is to perform in a concert. The experience is tremendous and your general feeling of well-being goes through the roof. I m into my eighth year now in the choir and time has flown, it always does when you are enjoying yourself.


Craig Andrews

  • Section: 2nd Tenor

My name is Craig and I currently work full time in the Civil Service (HMRC).

I joined the choir in May 2010 and I can honestly say that it is the best decision I have ever made. I joined 7 months after being widowed and I was spiralling a bit out of control at the time. Suddenly, I had 30 plus new friends, all with one thing in common – a love of singing.

I have been fortunate enough to sing at the Principality Stadium Cardiff, The Royal Festival Hall in Glasgow and also the Pantheon in Rome, as well as many other venues. Putting a smile on people’s faces is what we strive for as a group and the buzz that I get from receiving warm applause from an audience is a wonderful feeling.

I can truly say that being a member of the choir probably saved my life and performing in concerts is the most fun that I’ve had with clothes on.


Wayne Bolitho

  • Section: 1st Tenor



Alun Caffrey

  • Section: 2nd Bass



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Gwyn Davies

  • Section: 1st Bass

I joined the choir back in 2015, and it has filled such avoid in my life. In my younger days and a rugby player for many years, the camaraderie, fun and banter plus teamwork was such a big part of my life, but the social side as well so important, the trips, the jokes, the singsongs and I had badly missed that closeness after retiring from that part of my life. Finding and joining the choir as filled that void amply, and even now at the age of 66 I feel again like a wicked schoolboy having fun, yes, a lot of work to get things right, but so rewarding when we do.

As they say we are a broad church and the choir is made up of so many different characters, and it is a great blend, from the class clown down to the quietest most private person you could meet, all welcome and all a big part of who we are, and for anyone feeling lonely or cut off, there is no better group to help solve that come along, sit and watch and listen, no pressure, no one gets put on the spot, and those who say I can't sing a note, you may be surprised to find out that you can if shown the proper way.


Peter Edwards

  • Section: 2nd Tenor

My name is Peter Edwards and I’ve been a member of Treharris Male Voice Choir for 45 years (as of 2021). My father-in-law introduced me as he had been a member since 1961. I’ve met some wonderful people and travelled throughout the UK and Europe with the choir and also made some very good friends. I have sung under several Musical Directors including Mrs Llinos Davies. I’ve also known many accompanists, including Mrs Anna Bowden.

I’ve learnt a lot about music over time and have thoroughly enjoyed my evenings practising as well as performing in concerts.


Chris Grant

  • Section: 2nd Tenor

My name is Chris Grant.
I was a church chorister as a boy after being encouraged by a school music teacher.
Other things in life became more attractive, things like fishing and football but even then loved the sound of a welsh voice choir.
One day I saw an advert on the side of the road by Abercynon roundabout where the choir was advertising for new members. That was back in 2013.
I went to listen to the next practise at Bedlinog and thought this is awesome, I would love to be part of that but didn’t think I ever could.
Six months later I was on stage taking part in my first concert.
As well as the brilliant singing each week have also done some fantastic choir trips to Scotland, Rome, lake Garda and Prague.
Highlight moments singing at the pantheon in Rome and in front of several thousand people in Glasgow on the occasion of the Commonwealth games.
Everyone who is in the choir say that they wish they started years previous. I think the same.


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Phil Lewis

  • Section: 1st Bass



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Mike Pritchard

  • Section: 2nd Bass



Wayne Pullman

  • Section: 1st Bass



Steve Pullman

  • Section: 1st Tenor

Hello my name is Stephen Pullman,

I joined the choir around 2015 after a neighbour said he would like to join and asked if I would go along with him. I had been a member of a choir 45 years earlier and was really enjoying it but had to finish due to moving home.

I served a 4 year apprenticeship as a carpenter and joiner and in later years became a Contracts Manager and an assessor for a carpentry and joinery Company.

I retired at 65 years of age and after a while was looking for something to take up, the choir seemed just right.

Being a member of the choir gives you something to look forward to every week, when you sing at a concert and see how much the audience are enjoying it, it makes all the practice you put in worth while.

And the socialising with the other members of the choir after practice is an extra bonus.


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David Rees

  • Section: 2nd Tenor

My name is David John Rees. I re-joined the choir about 8 years ago, was previously a choir member back in the 80s, but had to leave the choir owing to work commitments, but now I’m retired I have more free time. I am proud to be a member of the T.M.V.C again, which was founded by the miners of the ‘Deep Navigation Colliery’, as being an ‘ex’ mining engineer myself until the demise of the mines.

I’ve always enjoyed singing, so the choir bring me much enjoyment, from learning music (old & new), performing on stage, at concerts and festivals, and then the socialising with fellow choristers, their families and friends. If you have ever had thoughts about joining a choir, please feel free to come and “sit in” on one of our practice nights, you will be made most welcome.


Jeff Rees

  • Section: 1st Tenor



Rob Rees

  • Section: 2nd Tenor

I was brought up in Nelson in the “prefabs” and went to Pontypridd Boys Grammar school. I had always hoped to join Treharris choir but until I retired I knew I could not make the time commitment.

For 28 years I was the ICT Director for the Welsh examinations board. I was also employed as a specialist consultant for both the Welsh and English governments. Apart from 2 years in New Zealand and Australia I have always lived in South Wales and I am a proud Welshman and love Welsh culture and traditions. I have always maintained my community links with Nelson including the rugby club and various charities. I love travelling and normally spend much of the summer driving around the British Isles in my campervan.

I really enjoy the challenge and camaraderie of the choir and hope to help maintain the wonderful standard they have created over the years.


Bill Richards

  • Section: 2nd Bass



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Keith Rosser

  • Section: 1st Tenor

My love of choral music first started when I joined Treharris Male Choir at 20 years of age in 1969.

I remained in the Choir for many years and was Secretary for 9 years and then becoming President for two years.

The  comradery in the Choir is second to none, and I have many fond memories of that time.

I left Treharris choir for several years but re-joined in 2021. I am also a member of Cor Meibion Abercynon.


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Martin Thomas

  • Section: 1st Bass



Will Tollan

  • Section: 2nd Bass

My name is William Tollan I have been a member of the choir for 12 years (as of 2021).

I joined the choir after my mother in law suggested that it would be an interest for me after my retirement .

I have always enjoyed singing. As a child I was called upon often to sing at family parties and at school .I frequently took part in karaoke on visits to Spain.

After listening to the choir on my first visit I knew this was for me . Being a Scotsman I have found the welsh pronunciation challenging at time’s but with support from my choir members have coped. We have had some lovely tours both home and abroad which my wife has also travelled with us on .

To anyone thinking about joining go for it will benefit your health both physically and mentally .An uplifting experience regret not having joined earlier.


Jim Toner

  • Section: 2nd Tenor



Carl Turner

  • Section: 2nd Tenor

My name is Carl Turner. I didn’t think about joining the choir, but a couple of years ago I was invited to a gentleman’s evening in Nelson Rugby Club. After a couple of drinks I said to one of the members that I would like to join. The members’ name was Peter Edwards. He asked if I would join, and I said yes. I came home and told my wife that I had joined a choir. She thought I was pulling her leg until a Tuesday night and she said you have choir tonight. So I went, was nervous at first, but Peter invited me, I did, and now I haven’t looked back since. I really enjoy being a part of Treharris Male Voice Choir and all the boys, Llinos and Anna make me very welcome, so if you want to join a choir do it – you won’t regret it. I certainly didn’t and now I’m glad I did start.


Francis Whitefoot

  • Section: 1st Bass



Kerry Williams

  • Section: 1st Tenor



Karee Williams

Section: 2nd Bass



choir member

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Neil Cochrane


Reasons for joining the choir. It has certainly given myself a sense of purpose, my motivation levels have also improved. Also over the last 18 months when times have been extremely difficult and uncertain, to be reacquainted with good friends and also meeting new friends has been quite positive. Also both musical director and pianos are excellent.

choir member

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  • Llinos Davies, BEM

Musical Director



Anna Bowden

  • Accompanist

I became the accompanist of Treharris Male Voice Choir when I was 15 (several years ago now). Since then, I've gained goodness know how many honourary grandfathers, uncles, chaperones, drink buyers 😉, an amazing close friend in Llinos, and become part of an amazing group where I don't have to worry to think about anything really, apart from making music.
It's been a major part of my life; I've laughed and cried with the boys (sometimes at the same time), but music has been at the heart of it. Without the choir and the music, I'd probably be a very different person.